Sea Maid Tow Behind Fresh Ice Cream Maker
You’ve thought you’ve seen it all till the Sea Maid Tow Behind Fresh Ice Cream Maker
comes along!
Get fresh “boatmade” ice-cream while you’re out in your boat! Simply bring along your Sea Maid (with pre-freezed holder) with the ice-cream base inside. Let it run in the water behind your boat for 25 minutes! The Sea Maid churns ice cream while your boat moves in the water. Ingenious and loads of fun!
Plus it’s a refreshing treat while you’re out at sea or by the water with family and friends. A real conversation starter!
Quick Summary
- Make Fresh Home Made Ice Cream Right On Your Boat or Personal Watercraft
- Insulated Holder for Aluminum Cup
- Spiral Dynamic Exterior Keeps Sea Maid Spinning in Water Making Ice Cream within 25 Minutes
- Includes Lid Tightening Wrench That Doubles As A Spoon
- Heavy Duty Bearing Swivel Line Attachment
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